Diesel Emissions Compliance
Replacement Parts

Welcome To Advanced Emission Control Solutions

The home of the most advanced state-of-the-art technology for gaining compliance with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) rules. We have experience serving hundreds of public agencies, private businesses, large and small fleets, and independent business owners. For maintenance, service, and retrofit, we are your one-stop-shop for your truck, school bus, and heavy-duty vehicle diesel emissions needs.

“Our staff is dedicated to guide your business in the right direction, whether you are a single truck owner, have an entire fleet, own construction equipment, or are a farming operation.”--Bob Gaffney, Emissions Consultant

Advanced Emission is your full-service partner—Our Consulting Services provide you complete, customized solutions. Invite our experts to support you from the very beginning of the CARB compliance process, through the maintenance phase that includes our latest high-tech Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) cleaning equipment. We’re even here for you to troubleshoot DPF repairs.

As a division of Robert V. Jensen, Inc. (RVJ), you can trust Advanced Emission to deliver top-of-the-line service. We pride ourselves on offering 24-hour turnaround to our customers on filter cleanings. Just drop off the center core at our facility and pick it up the next day. For backpressure monitor red light services, our highly trained mobile technicians perform a complete diagnosis to access the cause at your facility or ours—It’s your choice.

Advanced Emission Control Solutions is your trusted provider of state-of-the-art solutions for diesel emissions compliance for CARB regulations: including Clean Truck Check testing, new DPF sales, DPF cleaning, replacement parts, and retrofitting.

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CARB Regulations

Navigating the rules for CARB's new Clean Truck Check (HD I/M) Program, new renewable diesel (RD) requirements for Off-Road Equipment Regulation,  and even the EPA's crack down on diesel emissions delete devices can be complex for fleet managers and owner operators. Advanced Emission is your one resource when you don't know where to start or are having difficulty meeting regulations. Reach out to our team for expert guidance, consulting, and helpful information for CARB and ARB compliance. 

DPF Cleaning Services

We service the Central Valley, from Bakersfield to Stockton, and the Central Coast, from Santa Maria to Salinas. Advanced Emission strives to be at the forefront of state-of-the-art technology that enables cost-effective compliance for the life of your vehicles.
  • DPF Cleaning Services—Performed at our Fresno location on any make or model of vehicle or on-site with our new Mobile DPF Cleaning Service.

  • Consulting Services—Our experts guide you through all CARB emission standard rules.

  • Retrofit and Replacement Services—Pre-assessment, selection of the best DPF filter for your vehicles, installation, DPF warranty registration, and we provide the info you need for CARB reporting.

  • Post-Installation DPF Service and Troubleshooting.

  • and much more!

Some Of Our Customers

Bakersfield City Schools
City of Fresno Fleet
City of San Luis Obispo
Fresno County Fleet
Fresno EOC
Fresno Irrigation District
G&H Truck Repair Fresno
Kern Co. Superintendent of Schools
Pepsi Fresno Fleet
Performance Power Truck Repair
Sanger Unified School District
Tulare Unified School District
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